Monday, October 6, 2008


Yesterday, the topic came up about how much one should buy in for in a no-limit cash game, and while everyone knows that the answer varies from person to person -- I think it's important to know your optimum buy-in amount -- and that it's one of the most important parts of the game. Some people latch onto the idea of creating a poker bankroll and participate in games that require an initial buy-in of 5% to 10% of that bankroll.
It works for some people, but I'm not that much of a numbers person -- so I've come up with a good way to figure out your optimum buy-in amount based on feelings and attitudes. (Note: This test doesn't apply for people who don't like puppies. If you happen not to like puppies, then go with the bankroll percentage idea).
Imagine how bad you feel seeing a stray puppy get hit by a car, and imagine how bad you feel loosing your whole buy-in on the first hand. I believe that these two feelings should be equally intense, and that you should set your no-limit buy-in amount accordingly.
If the puppy tragedy makes you feel worse than loosing your entire stack on the first hand, then you're not buying in for enough. On the other hand, if you feel worse about losing your stack, then I suspect you're over-extended -- and I'd recommend lower stakes games.
My puppy number is about $100. If you're puppy number is less than about $50 or $60, then it's not a good idea to play no-limit hold'em with players you don't know. If your puppy number is above $400 or $500, then I hope you're not playing with me.


Dray said...

If you're rolled for it, you won't miss it if it's gone, and you consider yourself to be one of the best players at the table then you should have the max allowed so you can make the most amount of money on any given hand. Period. If you're clueless and don't know what the heck you're doing, who cares. Buy in for 20 blinds I see idiots do it all the time.

Dray said...

On 2nd read how the f*** are you a math tutor and NOT a numbers person? I STILL don't get this about you. I'm no math tutor but I understand basic percentages.

And another thing are you seriously insinuating that you would PREFER to see a puppy run over a car than lose $200 on one hand? If this is the case I may have to start bringing this up everytime you mention you're still a good person.