Friday, April 10, 2009


.It's the start of Easter weekend, on a day cloudier than the weather channel said it would be, listening to the flow of the Masters on the radio, going to stock up on supplies, riding through the HEB parking lot, driven by a man who was apparently raised by dingos.
Growing up, I was made to read three books a week from the library -- and write a report about them for my parents to read, and to some extent verify, and I did that for years, because they kept me away from school until I was 13, and I had to do something in the manner of book learnin', they figured, giving me a stylish liberal education which I was thankful for -- a thanks which grows more profound with each passing day -- and one of those books was Winning Through Intimidation by Robert J. Ringer -- and one of his main ideas is that everyone is out to take all your chips and you should be out to take theirs, but it's good to be sly about it and choose your battles, because if you're serious about never taking any kind of bullshit from anyone at any time, then you'll likely be dead or in jail because of it -- and possibly both.
That's a valuable lesson. The driver should have learned it by now -- he's older than I am -- he responded to the following question incorrectly.
When a woman walks in front of your car moving through the grocery store parking lot, you should
A. Lay on the horn until she moves.
B. Yell "move!!" out the window.
C. Both A and B.
D. Wait for her.
His answer was C.
Mine is D, anad I hope yours is, too.
The Boston townies has a useful communication skill, involving the use of "wicked" as an adverb. They can differentiate with surprising precision among statements like "That's a rather big basket of eggs" and "That's a big basket of eggs" and "That's a very big basket of eggs" and "That's a wicked big basket of eggs."
"You're wicked rude," I said.

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