Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The only time I care about hockey is during a time like when whoever wins will get the championship, or when there's national pride at stake like in the Olympics or if I happen to be playing it for some weird reason -- that's actually happened before --
Or if I must PRETEND to like it -- that was the case a few nights ago.
Some poker players were in town for the ROT rally from the Dallas area, and I was at a friendly game at their hotel room. They seemed to be decent players. It was a fairly normal poker night, except for four things:
They had the hockey on --
Intentionally --
Giving it attention --
And they were discussing the game!
I didn't get that scene at all.
My German professor in college mentioned one day that all German words starting with the prefix "ver" had bad connotations -- and I asked him about "verstehen" -- and how was it that understanding could be bad -- and he said that verstehen was one of the worst words of all because understanding implies responsibility, and that's such a profound burden -- and I said what -- and he said I would understand when I get older and if I developed any moral sensibilities -- and I said okay. I think I made a C in there.
I'm glad that I didn't understand the hockey scene in that hotel room.

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